Molly Byrne Recruitment Consultant at Greenfield IT

The Age of Ghosting in Recruitment

What is Ghosting?

In today’s fast-paced job market, it’s not uncommon for both candidates and clients to “ghost” recruitment agencies. This refers to the act of suddenly cutting off all communication without explanation. It’s a frustrating trend that’s becoming increasingly common, but there are steps that recruitment agencies can take to help prevent it.

The Candidate

From the candidate’s perspective, ghosting can occur when they find a job on their own or decide to go in a different direction. For clients, ghosting can happen when they find a candidate on their own or decide to go in a different direction. Whatever the reason, it leaves recruitment agencies feeling disrespected and devalued.

Steps You Can Take to Prevent Ghosting

One way to help prevent ghosting is to set clear expectations from the beginning. This means clearly communicating the recruitment process and timeline to both candidates and clients. This can include the expected response time for communication and the steps that will be taken if a candidate or client suddenly stops responding.

Another way to prevent ghosting is to build strong relationships with both candidates and clients. This means taking the time to get to know them on a personal level and understand their needs. By building trust and rapport, recruitment agencies can better anticipate when ghosting may occur and take steps to prevent it.

Additionally, it’s important to have a plan in place for when ghosting does occur. This can include reaching out to the candidate or client to find out why they stopped communicating and addressing any concerns they may have. It’s also important to document the situation. Use it as a learning experience to prevent it from happening in the future.


In conclusion, ghosting is a frustrating and common trend in recruitment, but it doesn’t have to be a deal-breaker. By setting clear expectations, building strong relationships, and having a plan in place, recruitment agencies can reduce the chance of ghosting and continue to provide valuable services to both candidates and clients.

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